Mind Over Matter

Female Domination
Young Femdom
About Mule
Essays on female domination
Thought du Jour
Posting on the Internet

Chapter 1

The sign read, "Caledonia Research Institute for Mental Health."

On the surface, it looked like a scientific establishment interested in developing better equipment to monitor brainwave activities. Supposedly the experimentation was at the stage where the scientists were interested in calibrating the equipment using normal subjects.

The institute was associated with the local University and students provided an excellent test group. The lure of tuition assistance was too great to pass up and the institute had more volunteers than they could handle.

Funding for the project came from many sources including the Federal Government, but anyone who looked at the books would see that the project spent more money than it took in. This alone should have suggested alternate secret funding for the project.


Dr. Angela Sterneman sat with her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She had the archetypical look of an academian: her graying hair was styled in an indifferent manner, her face was devoid of any makeup, and her lab coat, while clean, had not been sandwiched between iron and board for some time.

She smiled as she looked at the gentlemen seated across from her desk. Allegedly they were here to discuss funding. Their dark suits and severe haircuts told her that their true occupation was either as lawyers or government agents. She was convinced that they were not here to discuss legal matters.

"I am going to need at least another two-point-five million dollars to carry out research this year."

"You've seen the budget, I don't think we can come up with more."

"Try!" she said smiling back at them and left the word hanging in what was for them an awkward silence.

Before they could come up with a response, she went on, "It wouldn't cost as much, but the secrecy surrounding the project requires that we do a lot of redundant research. We have to do twice as much work as a normal research project: an open project to provide the flurry of paperwork and activity under which we can hide our covert research."

"There is the matter of additional compensation for the core team. They know they can't publish the real results, and will have to settle for publishing the superficial spin-offs."

She sighed and concluded, "I just can't maintain security without the additional funding."

It was this argument more than any other that swayed her audience. The nature of the work was paradigm setting in weapons development and the various agencies were fighting to get in on the project. It was not merely a matter of National Security; it was a turf war.


"Professor Sterneman, my committee says that you have some rather interesting information for me. Please explain it to me in terms that I can understand. Although I am nominally in charge of scientific research, I'm a politician, not a scientist."

"Thank you, Mr. Vice President," Angela started. "The device is based on the design of the electroencephalograph or EKG. EKGs have been used for decades to record brain wave patterns."

"You mean those devices with all the wires attached to a person's skull and pens making wiggly lines on paper?"

"Precisely Mr. Vice President." She went on, "Advances in computer science make the EKG even more powerful. We have 'come across' industry research that attempted to use the EKG as a computer interface device. We have improved on these attempts and conducted some tests where subjects could actually move a cursor or even type in letters on a computer by concentrating on the movement."

"You mean you can control a computer just by thinking about it?" The Vice President interrupted.

"That's about the size of it."

"So, for example, we could hook up this device to a pilot's head and have him control his airplane just by thinking about it?"

"Or her head and her airplane," the professor thought, but decided wisely not to contradict the man. "The state of the technology is not that far along yet. With a lot of training, full concentration and little distraction, some subjects can sometimes move a cursor or type a letter, but it's with the speed and grace of about a 3-year-old child. Controlling something a complex as an airplane will take years of research."

"How many years?"

The results are encouraging. I think we can bring simple processes like opening a lock or starting a car under control in about 3 years, and more complex systems routinely thereafter."

The Vice President nodded his head. There was a re-election coming up in a couple of years, and being able to boast being the administration that ushered in all these technological wonders wouldn't hurt the campaign. "Assure me something tangible in 2 years, and we'll see."

"In two years, we should have workable prototypes."

"That will be good enough. Is there anything else?"

"That will do it, Mr. Vice President."

"OK professor, you've just bought yourself two years of funding, continuation of which will depend on success."

"Thank you, Mr. Vice President."


Angela walked out of the room beaming silently. She was further along on the project than she let on. She could easily meet the stated deadlines and still have money left over for the other part of her research. She didn't tell the Vice President that there were other side effects. While experimenting with two people trying to access the computer simultaneously, she encountered a phenomenon she called cross-over.

One of the subjects reported seeing and hearing the computer from the other subject's point of view. This was nothing less than reading another person's mind and she wondered if a mind can be read, if it can be controlled.

end of female domination, femdom story