Mind Over Matter

Female Domination
Young Femdom
About Mule
Essays on female domination
Thought du Jour
Posting on the Internet

Chapter 2

"It itches," Sandra complained.

"You'll get used to it," her friend replied.

"The first 5 minutes are the worst," the technician put in, "After that, you'll hardly notice it. In fact, after a few more visits, you won't feel it at all."

Still, the helmet-like device pressed into Sandra's skull with what seemed like a thousand pinpricks. "Hell Megan, how do you stand it?"

"Hang in there, it gets better. Besides, the benefits far outweigh any discomfort."

The two girls were led into their separate, softly-lit booths where they could concentrate without distraction.

Sandra closed her eyes. As Megan said, she did get used to the device in a way. It still felt kind of heavy, but it didn't seem to prick her as much. She actually got comfortable enough to feel sleepy. In fact, she hovered in that zone between sleep and wakefulness. She had fleeting glimpses that she was playing pool although with whom or where, she couldn't tell. It was an odd dream for her since she never played pool.

She lost track of time and was startled when the bright lights came on. She had the device on for 30 minutes, yet it seemed like it was only about 5.

"Wow," she said, "that was quick."

"Thirty minutes is the maximum we allow for the first couple of visits," the technician explained as she removed some monitoring equipment form Sandra, "This is still new technology. That's why we monitor your vital signs for evidence of distress. Our subjects tell us that the process is very tiring."

Sandra thought about that. In spite of her "nap," she did feel drained.

The technician went on to interview Sandra on what she saw, heard, smelled, felt, etc.

On the way back to the house, Megan said, "So how did it go?"

"They told us we're not supposed to talk about it."

"Oh come on, all us girls talk about it." "All us girls" were the sorority to which Sandra and Megan belonged. Many of the girls were volunteers, and some of them actually worked at the Institute.

"Well, there really isn't much to tell. At first was all that annoying prickly feeling. Then nothing. I was actually getting bored, and my mind drifted."


"I was at some sort of bar with a pool table."

"No way!" Megan exclaimed.

"What about it?"

"You were there girl!"

"I was where?"

"You were in the same place as your implant."

"It was just a daydream."

"No it wasn't. You were in contact with your implant."

"I don't understand."

"Look," Megan explained, "Eventually you'll be able to really get into your implant's head. But the first step is a dreamlike trance. Most people don't get this far until at least several sessions. You must really be in tune with your implant."

"So how do you know it just wasn't a dream."

"Maybe it was, but it's a weird coincidence if it wasn't. We're not supposed to know who our implants are, but Betty works at the place and she let me know. I'm Jason Dodson, and you're Billy Green. They figure if we know who our implants are, it would bias the results of the experiments. I know that they like to hang out at a pool hall downtown."

"So the boys wear a helmet like we do?" Sandra asked.

"Didn't Dr. Sterneman explain it to you?"

"Well, she did, but she was well over my head with her explanation."

Megan nodded, "It is somewhat hard to understand. In some ways, Dr. Sterneman is too smart for her own good. She does have a difficult time speaking plain English. The only reason I caught on is because I'm majoring in psychology. Some of the stuff I learned there helped me understand the explanation. I don't understand the electronics or physiology at all."

Sandra shook her head dismissively. "I don't understand any of it."

"It's based on stimulating a part of the brain associated with mirror neurons."

"Mirror what?" Sandra asked.

"Mirror neurons. Apparently these neurons allow us to emphasize with other people. If I were to do something, say yawn, it fires off a set of neurons in my brain. When you watch me yawn, the same set of neurons fire off in your brain. It sort of lets us project ourselves into other people. Sort of see things the way they see things."

"I don't understand."

"Don't feel so bad; neither do the scientists. At least they still can't explain how or why it works, but they do know that it does work."

The puzzling expression on Sandra's face prompted Megan to go on, "You've heard the expression, 'Monkey see, monkey do?' Haven't you?"

Sandra nodded and Megan continued her lecture.

"Well, this is sort of the same, except with people. Actually monkeys don't have mirror neurons so they can't watch and learn in the same way humans do. You can train a monkey to do something easily enough, but monkeys do not mimic the actions of other monkeys."

"On the other hand toddlers easily pick up the actions of adults even though they are seeing them 'in reverse.' For example, a child can watch an adult throw a ball and then mimic the action even though the throwing action is external to the child and not at all from the child's point of view."

"Mirror neurons help us abstract actions and recombine them internally from our own point of view. It helps us communicate with others. In fact, damage to mirror neurons is thought to be one of the causes of autism."

"Mirror neurons is what the whole project is based on: reading other peoples' neutrons to see what they see, and projecting our impressions on them so they see what we see."

The light came on in Sandra's mind, "So the helmet reads our mirror neurons?"

"That's essentially it."

"What about the boys? Do they wear a helmet also?"

"The boys don't wear a helmet. They have a device implanted under the skull, hence their name. The implant is like a radio receiver for the brain. The device we wear is like a transmitter and a receiver. In theory we should be able to read the thoughts of our implant and put thoughts into his head. So they call us transmitters."

"How come we get to wear those bulky helmets, and the boys just get an implant."

"It has to do with the difference between male and female brains," Megan explained, "In the male brain, the functions are centralized. In women's brains, the thought process is more distributed. That's why there are no male transmitters. I am sure some men might be capable of transmitting, but there are too few of them to be worth screening them." Here she laughed, "For centuries men have chided women for being 'scatter brained.' Little did they know how advantageous that would be."

"Girls are naturals for transmitters. We empathize more. Our mirror neurons are better developed."

Megan took a deep breath and went on, "We girls need a wider device to detect the signal. Besides we have a more complex device. We need what professor Sterneman calls an active transmitter. The boy's units are more like transponders, They don't do anything until we turn them on." Here she laughed again at the obvious sexual pun. "Boys cannot initiate transmission. They can only receive and respond to our transmissions."

"And the boys go along with this?"

"The boys don't know it all. They were told only that their brainwave patterns were being monitored."

"Isn't that deceitful?" Sandra asked.

"And your point is? Dr. Sterneman said that if the boys knew the full extent of the experimentation, that it would invalidate the results, so we can't tell them."

"You've been at this for a number of sessions, can you really read Jason's thoughts?"

"Well, so far all I've really been able to do is see more clearly and consistently. I still can't always tell whether what I am seeing is real or it's something he's imagining." Megan then giggled and blushed, "One thing that was for real was when Jason went to the men's room last time. I could sense he was standing there unzipping his fly. And he looked down. I could see his stream of urine, but I didn't see his penis. It was so weird. I was like I was dreaming I was peeing, but only I was standing up."

"I knew boys looked at where their pee goes. I learned that as a little girl. Whenever my friend and I watched her little brother make pee, we noticed that he looked at where it was going. We looked at where it was coming from. It's just that I never saw boy pee coming out of what seemed like MY body. It was a good thing my bladder was empty before I went into the booth or I think I would have wet my pants."

"Did he look at the other boys?" Sandra asked. "I always wanted to know if men checked out each others 'equipment' when they were in the bathroom."

"As best I could tell, he was the only boy in the men's room. Maybe I can catch him in the locker room next time." Megan laughed.

"What else can you do?"

"Only my last session, I thought I was also picking up on hearing and maybe even smell."

"How do you determine what you see?"

"I don't. I see what Jason sees and I don't even get good reception at that. The picture often goes out and in. Dr. Sterneman says that I'll get better as we go along. It's sort of learning how to see all over again. I have to map his brain visual centers to mine."

"How are the other girls doing?"

"Some of them describe funny sensations. It's like they hear colors or see smells. Dr. Sterneman says that this is what happens when you map one part of your brain to the wrong part of the implant's brain. People under the influence of LSD reported the same phenomenon."

Sandra had a few more things to think about before her next session.

end of female domination, femdom story