Fashion's Slave

Female Domination
Young Femdom
About Mule
Essays on female domination
Thought du Jour
Posting on the Internet

Chapter 3

I rose to receive Lilly's postponed hug of greeting. Even before she gathered me into her arms I was embraced by her delicate cologne, a laconic scent, a little more tart than sweet, floral but with a topnote of citrus, clean and etched as the woman wearing it. It emanated from her entire body and from her long, weightless hair. What a wonderful substance perfume is. Yes, I wear cologne myself, a good, sharp, manly scent, but that's just to show that I'm tame and suitable for service. Everyone knows that scent is a feminine language, indirect yet all-encompassing, gentle yet irresistible.

Even at the beginning of time, it must have seemed the most obvious thing in the world that women deserved the enhancement of scent. Even - though I shudder to imagine such a time - even before they learned to shave, women must have discovered the eloquence of perfume. It's almost an extension of their nature, hardly an artifice at all, and it gives them command of the very air men breathe. It raises the coarse sense of smell to human level and teaches even it to know beauty and revere its origin in women. It invites every profane stranger to glimpse the feminine mysteries - or it seems to, because it clothes them artfully and leaves them as elusive as before. It's the net a woman throws out over us, smartly, effortlessly, drawing us into gracious bondage. It's the whole enigma of her body. The whole promise, which it is not in the nature of things to fulfill. Her vagina, that particular thing, that place all men wish to be, do you really think it's a place, a tangible organ, which we might take possesion of? Come on, my readers, admit it: a woman's body is no more ours than the song that keeps fleeing us at the edge of memory. And, most wonderfully, her perfume says all this at every moment. Of course, it also says something much simpler. "Kneel," it says, "kneel, all you men, to your cunted conqueror."

But I had already knelt to Lilly, and Julia and I had done what we could with our gestures and jokes to make her appreciate the fact. Still, it was hard to tell what she had taken in. I was helplessly erect when she took me into her arms in what was, after all, only an exuberant airport greeting. Unless a woman has explicitly agreed to recognize a man's erection as a sign of his deference, it's rude, isn't it, to imose an awareness of his condition on her. Better at such a moment to be impotent than impudent. But, of course, one reason we men are made for slavery is that we can't control these things ourselves. When Lilly drew me close I really did try to hold my pelvis back. It seemed the polite thing to do, but it ends up making you seem remote and unwilling, and so, after a moment's resistance, I let myself fall into Lilly's body and my hard penis gratefully lodged against Lilly's firm pelvis. Even in those few seconds, Lilly was all-absorbing. I wanted to lose my vision in the glowing darkness of her hair. And there, amid those clean, sweet locks I noticed for the first time Lilly's ear-rings, small, shimmering silver disks, slightly concave.

I could go on about ear-rings. They are one of the world's great ideas. They show how ironic beauty is capable of being. Fragile tissues of precious metal, actually fastened to the flesh in tenuous, painless imitation of bondage and cruelty. If you think about it, this isn't such a difficult practice to understand. People often turn the symbols of their real or imposed weakness into badges of pride. (Isn't this just what we men have always done with our penises in our rebellion against women's power over us?) That's what jewelry is all about. Chains and rings and shackles that might once have confirmed the subordination of women are turned into precious filigree to confirm their freedom, their dominance. The sight of Lilly's ear-rings did nothing to soften my penis.

"It's so good to see you, Lilly," I said, "so good to have you...I mean, here with us."

"Stev-vee," she said, teasing out my name in a way that somehow jolted my erection up a few notches - I haven't been called "Stevie" since I was a kid and the childish sound was strangely sexy - "Stevie," Lilly said, "I think I can tell. I'm happy to see you too. Stev-vee."

Blessedly, Julia intervened, quietly assuring her sister that she shouldn't mind my erection, Julia was perfectly aware that I had it. "He's not betraying me, Lilly," Julia said, "he's obeying. A hard-on in a man is just a kind of 'On Duty' light, sort of like a taxi, except that for the man service is its own reward. So use my Stevie well." And with that she told me to take up her sister's bag. As though I had to be told!

It was Lilly who needed persuading. Modern women are like that, a little insulted at the suggestion that they can't carry their own bags and open their own doors. But that's not at all what I'm saying when I offer my assistance. I don't for a minute doubt the strength or competence of girls. Au contraire. It's what I adore them for, one of the things anyhow, and so it makes me want to serve them all the more ardently. "Of course you can do all this yourself," I want to say, "all this and much more. You can, but you don't have to. You're a queen, a goddess, and I'm a man. If I want to offer myself to you, I mean if I must offer myself to you, what else do I have to give but my male brawn? Some of us can write lyrics in praise of you, in worship rather. But most of us just have our muscles and bones, so that's what we offer in service. We don't know what else to do but carry things for you. We're women's natural porters. We begin by carrying our maleness around for you, and we end by carrying any freight you'll allow."

"I'm fine," Lilly said. "I've gotten this far."

"He needs to do it, Lilly," Julia said. "He's a man, remember. Besides, you look a little travel-worn." She didn't look the least bit worn. She looked fresh from the spa.

"Do I?" she said. She looked worried.

"Does the Pope piss in the woods?" Julia said. Lilly laughed. It seemed to be an old tag-line between them.

"Okay," she said. "I have to admit, it is one of the nice things about being a woman that there's always a man nearby to do things for you if you're feeling lazy."

"Exactly," I said, "I'm on deck for you, Lilly," and Julia said, "Believe him, Lil, he is."

And it was sexy carrying Lilly's suitcase, which was mysteriously heavy, as women's bags tend to be - although, when you ask them what on earth they've brought, it always turns out to be nothing but a little make-up, a night-gown and underwear and, oh, yes, a few contingency-items in case they're invited at the last minute to a ball. As we rushed down the corridor, I had to reflect on the fact that Lilly's intimate things were mere centimeters from me, just on the other side of the thin resinous wall of the valise that brushed and knocked against my leg. Within, I imagined as we trotted to the parking-lot, I myself straggling a little behind the beautiful, mutually engrossed sisters - within were wispy fabrics that in the mere routine of things would stretch against Lilly's skin, matter-of-factly conforming to her feminine surfaces and folds. Lilly's bras, Lilly's panties, no doubt Lilly's stockings. There must be a pair of high-heels within, I thought. Possibly a box of tampons or mini-pads: how could I know there wasn't? Then there would be Lilly's make-up bag, with its compact and pencils, its tube of lipstick and bottle of blush, its ampule of lotion, its jigger of cologne - and, of course, that sacred implement of feminine self-fashioning, its razor.

I was born to serve women. I've known this since Day One of my sexual life - which began, I'd better explain, on Day Fifteen Hundred (give or take a few score) of my actual life, when I had my first miniature erection while staring at a reproduction of a painting (it must have been a Titian) in which naked boy-children who looked a lot like me, with juvenile round bellies and tiny curved penises, waited slavishly on a company of elegantly dressed, supercilious women (goddesses, I now understand). I remember thinking how fine and sweet and all-consuming it would be to be one of that brigade of boys.

The mathematical reader will infer just how early my first fantasy of submission and service occurred, then. And, imagination being what it is - strange to the outsider, the most natural thing in the world to oneself - I have ever since taken it for granted that all males feel as I do, deep down if not right on the surface. If they're not denying the truth to themselves, they want nothing more than to toil in the service of women, and when they're given the privilege, there is more consummation in it than in the most blustery fuck scored within a lie. What man hasn't had the experience of finding himself in straightforward intercourse with a woman, lying atop her carrying out his expected rhythms, and all the while thinking what a deeper and more thrilling thing it would be if he could be abject at her feet, hearing her orders, then leaping up and throwing on his clothes and running out into the world to do her heavy errands, aware all the while that the sweet mistress has begun to think of him more as an appliance than as a being much like herself?

In exchange for the vision and scent of a woman's beauty, I am willing - oh, what a tepid word, "wlling" - I am desperate to obey and serve her and to announce my submission to the world. The cruelest thing she can do then is to refuse to acknowledge me. And the kindest thing, absolutely, is to let me be the porter of every accessory to her loveliness. Could it be that her luggage takes on that mysterious extra heft by including the weight of my adoring fantasy of what's within? My only complaint is that the load isn't heavier still, that the subtle tissue of cloth and color and rippling metal that she dons so lightly to hide or show whatever of herself she pleases doesn't somehow gain gravity the instant it's bagged and handed to a man. How just it would be if carrying a portmanteau of silky things exhausted a man's body as thoroughly as the contemplation of the beauty of their wearer does his mind....

Which is to say, I relished having to lope through the airport and down among the cars with Lilly's luggage in hand just as much as I'd have relished still being up at the gate, holding Lilly in my arms. Just as much? More, in fact, because this was true service, not a high-toned promise, not a greedy erection willing to barter more than I own for another second or two of feminine pressure - this was the pith of service. Not glamorous, not super-human, but no holiday either. I know there is the theory that female-domination is a kind of recess strong men take from their hectic, pressure-ridden lives. Yes, my sly and tireless shuttle-diplomacy has averted war in the East, and, yes, on the way home I agreed to stop off and cap a blazing oil-rig, and now, exhausted by my own heroics, I just need the refreshment of being flogged by a girl in a corset and jack-boots. What rubbish! Strain and even pain - they're nothing but signs that a man has lost his will to resist and is putting on his destined livery. The practical test is work. I felt the pull of Lilly's suitcase on my arm, the burn in my muscles produced by the constant need to maneuver the ungainly thing through crowded passageways. Under normal circumstances, this would not be a pleasant sensation. But this wasn't mere freight I was carrying. It was a woman's things, Lilly's things, the manifold complements of her beautiful limbs, the needs of her skin, the companions of her secrecy. Such a thought is enough to turn any labor on the woman's behalf into something milder than repose. Ache, fatigue, the hint of torture inherent in carrying things: in a properly wired man - and the reader knows I'm one - these "painful" sensations are converted into lovely arousal. They become as sweet and satisfying and, most important of all, as arousing as the woman's actual caress. I mean, they go from the bicep directly to the penis, and the gnawing ache in the upper arm becomes a delicate titillation elsewhere.

All that's necessary to complete this enchanting circuit is the woman's own recognition of what one's strain and pain mean. Even if she understands them as no more than conventional gallantry, her sense of herself as a being whom men must serve is confirmed. I think Lilly got the point on a deeper level still. And, more important than that, she rather liked the lesson. As we hurried through the terminal, the women gaily chattering and I lurching and dodging a few yards behind, Lilly turned back now and then to give me an apologetic look - from which Julia quickly diverted her with the reminder that "he's a man, Lilly, he's a man." And Lilly would throw up her hands comically, as if to say, "How silly of me to forget." So the lesson was taking. Julia's good spirits and her occasional wink in my direction told me that she was happy with the progress of things.

Behind the wheel I relaxed a bit. The women sat together in the back seat celebrating the waning of Lilly's romance with Mark, that shit, while I, their chauffeur, allowed myself a revery on the intimate features of the Bergman girls. Of course there was nothing but adoration in my thoughts, but it's hard not to feel a little ashamed at the knowledge that, while your poker-face seems blankly fixed on the traffic, your mind's eye is roaming over soft triangles of pubic hair and moist flanges of labia.

"Men would be lining up around the block just for the chance to hear you say hello," Julia was explaining to Lilly. "They'd take numbers, camp out in th rain...."

"....Walk barefoot to Palestine on hot coals," I interjected.

"Stevie's sweet," I heard Lilly say before I drifted back into my revery. It seemed only minutes later that we were at the gate awaiting Michelle.

Michelle appeared entirely in white. It looked like medical school had gotten to her, although she was hardly in scrub-clothes. Her creamy shirt was made of silk, her skirt was white linen. She wore white straw sandals with delicate straps and high heels. Michelle was about the same height as Julia, and there, on her charming face, was the family mouth, at that moment a full, smiling rectangle filled with perfect teeth. Julia and Lilly seemed enthralled themselves, and a little startled, by the chic and sexy vision that darted gracefully, despite a large valise and high heels, from the gate. Michelle had had her ups and downs in recent years, but the young woman before us was all competence and vivacity. Lilly called her "doc," and Michelle said, "Just give me three years."

There was another round of boisterous hugging, quietly attended by the erection that displays of sisterly affection always seem to rouse in me. Michelle was fairer-haired than her sisters, and she had slightly larger breasts. You could see the frail straps of her bra through the light silk of her blouse. I was riveted to the sight while her back was to me. I have a weakness for bras seen from the back; even the outline of slender straps under a woman's shirt fills me with tenderness for the woman wearing them. I love the taper of the back-strap, its slight funicular dip lending at one and the same time a suggestion of tenuous adornment and working physics. The bra is an elegant piece of engineering which also happens to be an absolute symbol of femininity. Of course I love the breasts to whose comfort and form it lends its ingenious aid. (And it's hard to look at Michelle's high, round, angelic versions of these orbs without dropping a tear of yearning.) But it isn't the cue that there are breasts ahead that in itself so affects me in the back-straps: it's the notice that a general obligation has been , an obligation that goes with being a woman, and just so happens to include having breasts, but might for this purpose include any old feature at all. Just as a woman's hip-bones elicit my special affection just because, not being organs, their entire function is to serve as unequivocal signs of femininity, so the straps of a bra, seen from behind, are in a way absacted from their practical purpose and become (in this case) the artificial, hence chosen, signs of the feminine. Supposedly neutral areas of the body, the shoulders and the back, become steadfast in the cause of gender. Each time a woman closes the clasp, she is briskly saying, "I am a woman, I accept the fact...I mean, the privilege."

When my turn came round to receive Michelle's hug, I made sure to plant my hand beneath her shoulders.

end of part three


end of female domination, femdom story