Fashion's Slave

Female Domination
Young Femdom
About Mule
Essays on female domination
Thought du Jour
Posting on the Internet

Chapter 4

Michelle is generous with her body. Even a reserved woman has no choice, if she's hugging you, except to crush her breasts against you. But you can tell that this isn't the way she'd have it, that she's disconcerted by this peculiar instance of enforced publicity in a body that seems otherwise designed for maximum privacy. You can feel such a woman's indignation somewhere in back of her perhaps genuine cheer at seeing you. Yes, she's saying to herself, I'm glad to see him, but why must showing him the fact include making him intimate with my breasts? A perfectly reasonable question, after all, if only nature were used to giving reasonable answers.

Michelle is not like this. She seems to want the man she's greeting to know the loveliness of her breasts. That they are lovely indeed is a thing she's learned, not something she understands from within. For most women this is so. Michelle leans into the man. She's not trying to be seductive, she's not throwing herself at him or even flaunting her sexuality. It's more as though she's concluded, purely on the basis of the circumstantial evidence, that these firm and prominent objects can't possibly be hers to withhold. They're just too...prominent and firm. Michelle leans benevolently into a man, in a way that doesn't in the least compromise her sweetness or modesty, as if to say, "If this isn't what I'm supposed to do with these likeable breasts of mine, then I can't imagine what is."

And it was glorious to accept her generosity, which she compounded, as a matter of fact, with the charms of her soft scent and the touch of her cool, invigorating cheek. In fact, there was nothing about Michelle that was not pleasing: every sensation she kindled was complete and consuming. The silk of her shirt, the above-mentioned outline of her bra, the redness of her lips, her long, almost golden hair - in a very short time, a man could get quite lost in the sensual landscape of Michelle.

But not so short a time, I guess, as her sisters would allow.

"Unhand that girl," Julia said. "She's ours.... Besides, Dani's train is due." Michelle squeezed my arm as she released me and reached for her valise.

"No, no, no," I said. "Those hands are too gorgeous to carry the luggage we men were put on earth to, ah, to...lug." But it was true. The long-boned Bergman women were distinguished for (among other beauties) their elegant fingers, with their fine taper and shapely tips. Michelle had in this respect ever so slight an edge on her sisters. Her fingers were a jot longer, perhaps a touch more tapered, a quaver more sensitive. With women of this caliber, such small advances on the perfection of one feature or another are a pleasure to note and make the adoring male (who doubts, remember, that he could tell one nipple or one pubic swatch from another) feel like a sudden connoisseur.

So down another airport corridor we ran, the women a few paces ahead of me, exchanging their news in giddy soprano voices while I lumbered along with Michelle's bulging suitcase for side-kick and the vision of six sisterly hips and buttocks to delight, and in a way to puzzle, me. Yes, that's my theory as to why we men can't stop staring at women. We simply and literally can't believe our eyes. How can such noble bends and arcs really be part of flesh-and-blood human beings; how can there be so much art so close to the bone?

I was still pondering this as we piled into the car. The girls decided to squeeze into the back-seat, leaving me alone at the wheel in my chauffeur's revery once more. How charming the Sisters Bergman looked in the rear-view mirror, each woman's limbs practically yoked to her companion's. I have to admit that I imagined their thighs similarly wedged close and tried to picture the abbreviated view one might have of their pelvises if one could see them naked under these circumstances. Girls don't have to worry, of course, about putting the squeeze on their pectineus muscles. By beautiful design, there's nothing there to get crushed. They can sit demurely even at close quarters (while we men tend, even when we're sole occupant of our chair, to keep our knees wide apart in solicitude for our balls, which seem to belong nowhere). So I imagined (I won't say shamelessly) the width of Bergman hips and the shallow triangles that then had to have been formed by the juncture of Bergman thighs. I imagined the creamy skin, slightly moist and fragrant, its fresh, light color startlingly interrupted only by the ridge of dark pubic hair, the wide end of the sacred triangle, which remained unsecluded. Hidden entirely from view - but present, yes, fully, sweetly present - would be the cleft, the heavenly cleft, the captivating paradox of the "nothing" that's more real than anything.

I'd say that I free-associated in this way as I drove, but what was "free" about it? I was spellbound by the fantasy of feminine mysteries and the delicate garments that veiled them. I was compelled to wonder about panties, for example. In the last century, it was thought indecent for women to wear any sort of drawers, and mostly prostitutes did wear them. I suppose the idea of fabric lovingly adhering to the vulva scandalized people. Amelia Bloomer's invention was a political event, a kind of feminism of the loins. The modern panty, a scrap or two of cotton or silk extended from a waist-band, is hardly more than an insubstantial auxiliary to nature's own tiny mantle of hair. Thinking of it, I realized that the distinction between concealment and exposure cannot feel the same to a woman as it does to a man. We men are always to some degree exposed - if nothing else, our willy-nilly erections tell all - and women never are really. A woman, I imagined, must sense herself always as more or less hidden and, where it counts most, naturally covered. My whole idea of exposure, I thought, is that of a person with an erectile cock and vulnerable balls. I had never considered how different it would have to be for a person equipped with one of those serene, impassive mounds instead. In a way, if a woman has an idea of her own exposure, it's just a borrowing from us men: it's a fiction she throws on, as she might one of our shirts, carelessly, capriciously, charmingly burlesquing a part she doesn't fit.

So there's a kind of irony behind the scantiness of women's underclothes, and, for that matter, behind the lightness and fragility of so much of their street-dress. It's not that they're exposing themselves, being promiscuous with their flesh. No, it's that, no matter what they do, they're certainly not exposing themselves; they're simply tormenting us with the illusion that they are. But that's not it either. Women have the right to tease us, and, in our hearts, we're happy when they do. We're grateful to be played with and, beyond that, to be shown that she who's playing knows that it's hers to make the rules. But we also know that even she can't change nature. She's made to elude us, to slip from our grasp and even from our sight. If her power over us is rooted in nature (as the reader knows I think it is), then it begins in this perpetual taunting that is the sexual component of the human condition. I mean, it's unalterable. It's just what happens when a pellet of mind is dropped, depending, into a caldron of cocked or cunted body. Men seethe and women keep cool. A woman's total nudity, her uncoy, generous and clinical display of herself - even that would divulge nothing that would give a man the least power over her.

Every time I glanced in the rear-view mirror, my heart jumped with happiness at the vision of the women in back and the thought of their presence in my home. I melted to imagine the perfumed air of our apartment, subliminally dosed with womanly pheronomes. I thought that, no matter which room I entered or which direction I turned, I would be within inches of someone's angelic breast and sacred vagina. And this fantasy of x-ray eyes brought my thoughts around again to a revery of underwear. In the back-seat, the girls were addressing the question of Michelle's guilt whenever she flirted with men she had no wish to sleep with. She was admitting that she got a kick out of "toying with guys," but didn't she owe them something for the amusement they gave? I listened and recollected the feel of her bra-strap under my hand and thought that in that sensation alone she had given me more than I, or any man, had a claim to. "Sweet girl," I wanted to cry out, "your presence in their midst is all the gift they need and more than they deserve. Don't you see this? Believe me, THEY do."

Of course, I myself was greedily reliving the thrill of being at eye-level with Lilly's pelvis, and of feeling Michelle's breasts firm and resilient against my chest. "I mean, don't they have a right to be pissed at me if I leave them at the bar?" Michelle was saying. I observed Lilly nodding slowly in sympathy with her sister's dilemma.

"You feel you have to give them something, right?" Lilly said.

"Give them something?" Julia said. "You've given them plenty. You've given them a hard-on. 'Hey, fella, thank the lady!'" The women laughed freely, though Michelle then said, "I guess."

I smiled too, at Julia's little lesson to her sisters, and at another recollection of my own...of the last time Julia and I went shopping together and I found myself waiting with others of my sex as my beloved mistress vanished through a small doorway, her hands filled with what seemed three dozen crumpled brassieres.

In the lingerie department men are at their worst. It doesn't matter who we are in life, we become yokels here. There are five or six of us waiting for our women to reappear from the changing-room. We're all standing against the wall closest to the entry-arch. It's as though there's a law prohibiting male trespass beyond this point. We're cleaving to the wall like suspects in a line-up. We're decked out with our women's parcels and shopping-bags. A couple of the men have been entrusted with purses, which they're holding in the deliberately awkward, true-grit way men adopt for such tasks. We're all racing back to oafish boyhood, as though that regained coarse innocence can mitigate our shame at stumbling upon this feast of bras and panties, this cornucopia of strings and thongs and tear-drops and triangles. We shift from foot to foot, staring at the floor as we do. The cups of weightless bras draw furtive glances from us. Some white, some rose, some black of course; matte cotton and glistening silk; frosted, or molten, or sheer. Now and then a clerk will look our way and whisper something to a fellow-clerk who will then look too, and both will laugh. Is it just that we're incongruous, we men, as we keep our clumsy watch? Is the surgeon to my right funnier in the girls' eyes than the lawyer to my left? And what of myself, a strapping man in middle age, proprietor of an office full of apprentices and underlings, fascinated and all but undone by what are only tiny shreds of tenuous fabric? Julia hasn't yet emerged from the remembered fitting-room when we pull into the actual railroad station. We're late, but so is Daniella's train, and we arrive a few minutes before her. The iron horse is crawling in just as we reach the platform. And there's Daniella, yet another vision of beauty and ability - and one whose intense attractiveness to me should assure the reader that what I love above all things in women is their composure and autonomy, and only then their assertive breasts and bikini panties.

For Daniella, the eldest of the Bergman girls, is also the smallest, the most compact, the most boyish-looking. She's a devout athlete, trim as a vector, and she's not crazy about frills. Her hair is dark and very short, cut just past boy-length. She's wearing a little make-up, not much, a blue Oxford-cloth shirt and slim white jeans. Daniella is a model of minimalism: her breasts are small, but there's just enough bosom on her to signal her womanhood; her hips are slight, and so are her buttocks, but, all the same, she consents to curve a little, lest the observer imagine that she's not delighted with her gender. And her jeans show clearly that in one area, at least, she's pronouncedly feminine. How little people understand of the loveliness of the so-called androgynous look, in which the male element is pubescent at best. It isn't a disguise, a denial of the great, unbridgeable divide between male and female. Far from it. It asserts the basicness of the feminine, the priority of the girlish and the girlishness of the boy. It's a reminder that, in this sexual realm anyhow, even a little difference goes an incredibly long way. I gaze - shamelessly, I'm sure, and with swelling penis - at the succinct hillock in Daniella's milk-white jeans and I know, however close my stare, that we are worlds apart.

end of part four

end of female domination, femdom story